London, Manchester, Blackpool, Music

Publié le par LullabyHeart


20130706 223336


Gary Houston at Plan B in Brixton. It was great to meet him and his managers.


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20130707 204431


Every month at Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes, Criminal Records organise a live event. From September it will be bigger,in the basement as well and more ROCK!!!


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Queensway park, next to Hide Park, last Saturday while the Rolling Stones were playing at the British Summer Time Festival with Helene :)


20130715 131520


I visited a friend in Wigan, next to Manchester. We went to Blackpooll, a seaside city which really looks like Brighton, if you compare! Even the fog was there when we arrived!


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Unlike Brighton (and Nice!) , beaches are made of sand.


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Traditional Sweet shop!


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I <3 NY is so famous they make it for every city now!


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Floor of jokes! You need to be British to understand...


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Becoming nicer...


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Finally! Blue sky, children, beach games :)


20130716 134849


Central Manchester! Modern and old buildings stand next to each other.


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The International Manchester Festival was on all July. Many artists were having an exhibition, concert etc.


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Park, park, park, park... CALOR madremios!!


20130718 095805


Random picture from the first floor of a London bus! Shepherd's Bush area.

Publié dans Urban Landscape

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